Monday, November 28, 2011

Cameron {Children}

Little boys are so much fun to photograph.  They are certain sure to do the exact opposite of what you tell them to do; they wiggle more muscles than I ever knew existed; they like to crawl into your lap or turn their back to you.  And this continues till the age of 13 or so.  So, what is a photographer to do?  First, employ the mommy and the grandma.  Second, employ the photographer's kids.  Third, haul out the toys.  Finally, that cute little boy will get so distracted in happy play that the photographer can get snap happy with her camera.  

Now why didn't I know this already?  

Cameron, you are the cutest little guy!  So busy, so inquisitive, so talkative.  You are precious.  




I'm so glad you came to play, Cameron!  We will do it again, without the camera, okay?  You must promise to still give me hugs and crawl in my lap, though, sweet boy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Old Time" {Children}

I got to play with my kids in front of the camera tonight, in anticipation of another photo shoot we'll be doing for someone else.  We had so much fun!  When I secured my son's bow tie in place, and he plopped his hat on his head, he ran to the mirror and excitedly proclaimed, "It's like old time!"  He was jazzed to do this shoot, for ONCE!


I love you guys!  You are my special little people.  I am so glad I get to love on you both!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Adam and Alicia {Couples}

As I watched Adam and Alicia through the lens of my camera, I couldn't help but be touched by their young married love.  There is just something so special and so comfortable in marriage.  Alicia is clearly content in her husband's love, and Adam is equally as satisfied in Alicia's love.  They had asked me to capture this romance in commemoration of their soon-to-be-celebrated first anniversary.

A Contented Love

A gentle contentment invades my heart,
And begins a start toward peace.
Changes dull mood, lightens my mind, reaches
Down into my soul, parting
Me from previous darkness, and it spreads
Deep happiness, wraps smiles of bright
Colour around my day, holds me tightly
In its spell as it readies me
For love, which I know will increase and flood
My cold blood, giving me ardour
From which until now I've been locked and barred.
Gentle contentment feels lovely.

~Fay Slimm

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jeff and Missy and Kids {Family}

It was my privilege to meet this family five years ago.  At the time, I wondered how in the world one woman could live in a house full of five men.  I still wonder this, but I see Missy living life with such grace and love.  And clearly, all her men love her back.  She is queen.

Jeff and Missy have a beautiful love story.  Jeff was born deaf, and Missy traveled across the country to study interpreting.  You could say that the rest is history, except that their story is nowhere near finished. 

Did I tell you the boys love their mother?  Could it be more evident?

 The handsome boys:


I am blessed to know your family, Jeff and Missy.